tips to maintain good oral hygiene
Good dental hygiene can have many positive effects on their daily lives. Not only strengthens teeth and gums, but can have positive effects on health and well-being too. However, poor dental hygiene can have adverse health effects. In particular, good oral hygiene can prevent tooth decay (dental caries), gingivitis, periodontitis and bad breath (halitosis).
Cavities are also described as tooth decay. This is the most common disease in the world is an infectious disease that causes damage to teeth. oral hygiene tips Tooth decay can cause pain, tooth loss, infection, and in some cases, even death.
The cavities are caused by bacteria that produce acid which in turn erodes tooth enamel. oral hygiene tips Specifically, hygiene for kids the acid produced in the mouth reduces the pH equilibrium point at which demineralization occurs faster than the internalization. The result is tooth decay. Tooth decay is irreversible. Once a tooth has been weakened, it can be restored only by the dental procedures. oral hygiene tips The best prevention is good hygiene.
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums surrounding the teeth. This is often the result of plaque and tartar due to insufficient cleaning of teeth or damage gums vigorous brushing or flossing. oral hygiene tips When plaque builds up in the spaces between the gums and teeth, the bacteria produce chemicals and toxins that cause inflammation of the gums around the teeth oral hygiene tips.
Symptoms of gingivitis may include swollen gums, oral hygiene tips mouth sores, red gums or bright purple, bright gums, bleeding gums (even with gentle brushing), gums, itching and gullies decline. Gingivitis is usually reversible, oral hygiene tips but the best way to prevent it is to brush your teeth carefully and thoroughly on a daily basis to keep your teeth and floss.
Periodontics or pyorrhea results of untreated gingivitis. hygiene for kids If the inflammation of gingivitis is left unattended for years can cause deep pockets between the teeth and gums and cause bone loss around the teeth. oral hygiene tips Since bone in the jaws hold the teeth in bone loss in the jaw can cause teeth become loose and eventually fall out or have to be removed because of an acute infection oral hygiene tips.
Symptoms may include hygiene for kids:
or occasional redness or bleeding gums when brushing,oral hygiene tips flossing or hard foods like apples biting
or recurring inflammation of gums casual good oral hygiene tips
or bad breath or halitosis
or persistent bad taste in the mouth
or recession of the gums causing apparent enlarged teeth. (However, oral hygiene tips note that this may also be caused by a hard brush by hand or use a disco toothbrush.) oral hygiene tips
or pockets between the teeth and gums oral hygiene tips (pockets are places where the jaw bone was gradually destroyed by repeated inflammation) hygiene for kids.
or loose, loose teeth in later stages hygiene for kids
or inflammation of the tonsils and / or the throat due to integrated bone fragments into the tissue
Periodontics is not reversible, hygiene for kids but can be controlled with regular cleaning below the gum line. good oral hygiene tips This is best done professionally by a dental hygienist or dentist. This cleaning will stop and remove the plate to help prevent further inflammation. oral hygiene tips Although the plate continue to grow even after cleaning,hygiene for kids it takes about three months for the type of pathogenic bacteria to grow in the deep pockets and restart the inflammatory process. hygiene for kids Again, the best way to prevent gum disease is to get involved in proper oral hygiene, oral hygiene tips for starters hygiene for kids.
Halitosis, also known as bad breath, bad breath, or most commonly bad breath are terms used to describe unpleasant odors exhaled in breathing. hygiene for kids Transient bad breath and chronic bad breath are the two most common conditions affecting people. oral hygiene tips Transient bad breath is a temporary condition caused by things like stress, hunger, eating, smoking and poor oral hygiene. good oral hygiene tips What is known as "morning breath" is an example of bad breath transient. hygiene for kids This condition can be easily solved by brushing or chewing gum.
Chronic bad breath, however, is a more serious and persistent disease. good oral hygiene tips It is usually caused by persistent overpopulation of certain types of oral bacteria and requires specialized treatment.oral hygiene tips
The above conditions are all the problems you might encounter if you engage in a poor oral hygiene.oral hygiene tips The care of teeth and gums can go a long way to help you become a healthier person.
Dr. Gerard Diffuse, DDS, Dental Center and Webster Webster are leaders in cosmetic dentistry []. Dr. Diffuse has extensive experience in Smile Makeovers, dental implants and sedation dentistry good oral hygiene tips...oral hygiene tips
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